Friday, March 18, 2011

the choices we make

It's the choices that we make, about how we feel, that then condition and re-shape things as they are

and I'm not so sure
that I've got a grasp
on this lifetime
...of mine and not yours
Though I'm happy to share

With You. Yes You.
No matter who you may be
As long as the respect I show you is returned upon me

for its these choices we make
on how we treat one other
that shape the world we live in
and leave for our children

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Some Questions That Go Through My Head, Are ...

In this journey that I will call My Life, I find myself asking myself many questions, time & time again. They are, ... it really too late to go back to before the Industrial Age? God? it possible that the oil in Our planet was not originally intended to run & lubricate automobiles? What happens when the oil in YOUR car runs low, or even runs out? What happens when the oil in YOUR planet runs low, or even runs out? Does it matter anymore?  Seriously?  What the FUCK?!

...what will happen to all of the self-loathing reality t.v. people, when reality actually happens? Will you notice?

Stay Tuned.