Saturday, May 28, 2011

In Front of Their Cameras

They make it so glamorous
to be so comfortable
in front of their cameras.

Shame on us for being so oblivious
to the human nature of the desire to be noticed.
The desire to be somebody, by being nobody.

Nobody seems to care.


  1. A good commentary on this almost universal tendency. We live near Abbey Road studios in London and once the Beatles made an album cover walking over a street crossing near the studios. WIll you believe that near every time we drive down there, about three or four times a week,people are walking across that crossing and photographing each other. They all think they're so original. It's SOOOO annoying when you have to stop for them, time after time....
    That's what your poem makes me think of.

  2. Jenny,
    I thank you for sharing your thoughts and annoyance with me. Speaking of the Beatles, I just finished reading Rolling Stones final interview with John Lennon. Don't know if you're a fan, but I am, of his music & the way he lived his life. Cheers!!
